Sunday, September 6, 2009

The 2009 Bristol Renaissance Faire!

Mom can get a little crazy with pictures. Since we went to the Bristol Renaissance Faire numerous times this summer, I suggested that we do only ONE photo album and incorporate all our Adventures in one posting.

Attending the Joust performed by the Hanlon-Lees Action Theatre is simply a no-brainer, but Dirk and Guido, The Swordsmen are also an absolute must see.
I do like music, but come on! When there's ships to be sailed who can pause to listen to tunes?! BUT for my mother's sake I'd like to make note of her favorite muscians, The New Minstrel Revue and T.J. Hull, Fiddler.

As always, we had a wonderful time. Many thanks to Bristol and we'll see you next year!

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