Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mike Offutt

Mom and I had an adventure to the library one day to catch Mike Offutt's Ultimate Science Show. This guy is amazing! You too will want to become a scientist after spending a half hour with him. And something else amazing? He doesn't talk to children like we're idiots. Sheesh! It's not difficult people! Mr. Offutt gets you to consider is it magic? or is it science? Well he's pretty magical in my mind, even if he is a scientist.

If you have the opportunity, try and catch him at some of his upcoming events:

Heritage Festival: June 24, 2006
Downers Grove, Illinois

Inventive Genius Lecture Series: July 8, 2006
For the whole family
Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, IL
Museum of Science and Industry? I LOVE that place! Perhaps you will catch mom and I there too.

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