Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thoughts on Thyroid: Recording the Recovery (Days 1-4)

My Mom has had some health issues that have been limiting our adventures lately. After a bout of severe vertigo, a MRI of her neck revealed that she had a “large mass” growing on her thyroid. “Large mass” translates to “Holy Crap that’s big!” in layman’s terms. When it was determined that it needed to be removed and pronto she and I started researching the procedure so that we would know what to expect. Another lady documented her recovery process on the Internet. My Mom’s experience was somewhat different; but the lady’s blog helped me understand what to expect and gave me ideas for how to take care of my Mom. I was very grateful to her and so with Mom’s permission, I thought I would document her recovery too so that there would be another perspective floating out there on the Web.

Day 1 - November 24: Surgery Day
The truth is that Mom had bronchitis. She was recovering, but I could still hear her coughing at night. She had told the surgical staff, but I think she exaggerated a little bit on how “well” she was. I couldn’t fault her though; our friend Greg was coming all the way from Arizona to help me take care of her (though I had told Mom that wasn’t necessary) and she had already gone through an approval process for her work that seemed to make her real grumpy.

My beloved cousin’s from my Dad’s side of the family were in town. I was worried to leave her but we both knew from the Internet research she was likely to be sleepy and boring for the next few days. She told me to go off and have fun with my cousins. Besides, they don’t give driver’s licenses to four year olds, so our Au Pair Gift promised me she would drive Mom to the hospital and back for me, since Greg wouldn’t arrive until Thursday.

Mom was doing pretty good not coughing but the nurses laced her IV with antibiotic just in case. Mom told me that she didn’t remember the surgery at all; which is good I guess. She was having “drainage.” What is that? Blood and guck I guess. So they decided to keep her overnight at the hospital (she was supposed to go home that afternoon). They told her that she had drainage tubes in her neck being held in place by safety pins of all things. I asked her to show me but she said no. I guess she was worried I’d be scared. I’m pretty brave! I can handle FrankenMommy! Well…maybe I’d cry…I don’t know! She still hasn’t shown me.

Anyway, the nurses had to change her dressing several times. Mom’s a superhero you know so she wasn’t complaining of pain. They wanted her to eat and drink but she kept falling asleep. She drank a little water and they found her some Italian Ice. They were trying to push Jello, but Mom HATES Jello. Then finally the nurse talked her into a pain shot. Ironically, Mom’s throat didn’t hurt as much as her head and back. She thought the headache was caffeine withdrawal. I make my Mom coffee every morning you know! And she said she couldn’t have it before the surgery. We found out later that headaches after the surgery are pretty common. And the nurses did let her trade out some water for a cup of coffee, which she drank black because they brought her powdered creamer which she hates and didn’t really have the coordination to handle that at the time. I would have brought her MILK! Her back probably hurt because they had her on her back so long. Mom doesn’t like to sleep on her back. In addition to being a superhero, Mom’s a Princess! Greg says she’s “curvy” that must be good, because my Mom is beautiful. Mom had three or four pain shots after that.

The nurses told Mom that the stitching on her neck was excellent (Mom’s surgeon does “cosmetic surgery”…I have no idea what that means but it’s supposed to be good). So once the cut on her neck heals she’ll be PrincessMommy with no Frankenstein (that’s a monster).

Day 2 - November 25: Home Coming
The next morning the Nurses bribed Mommy. They said she could go home if she ate breakfast. She had a huge cup of coffee with vanilla creamer and then she ate an entire cheese omelet with some apple juice. She was able to call Grandma C. Her voice sounds pretty normal! A little quiet but otherwise the same. She wanted to put the Thanksgiving turkey out to defrost and then she just hung out watching TV. She decided to take Advil rather than the extra strength Tylenol with codeine…there are adventures with codeine later. Showering was difficult. The nurse had told her not to get the bandaging wet, which her long hair made a bit difficult.

Day 3 - November 26: Thanksgiving Day
Mom loves Thanksgiving and she loves to cook. She was a little sore in the morning, but with a little Advil she was happily stuffing the turkey. She was resting when my Dad brought me home. She said she looked like a monster but to me she looked beautiful! Her bandage was really big. Later I went with Gift, our Au Pair to pick up Greg at the airport and when we got back, the kitchen smelled like pumpkin pie and Mom had made sweet potato soufflĂ©! Greg made the mashed potatoes and the Waldorf salad for her. Then we ate; and it was DELICIOUS!!! And I’ve decided that mashed potatoes are okay as long as Greg makes them. I had three pieces of pumpkin pie. Mom was happily enjoying the dinner. She didn’t eat as much as she usually does at Thanksgiving, but she was able to swallow without much pain.

Day 4 - November 27: Recovery Rebound
Mom forgets that even though she is a superhero, she is still human. And one that has a huge hole in her neck! The next morning she was wiped out. She was pretty sore and decided to try the codeine…which knocked her completely on her can. We put her on the couch with Sake Kitty and came home 4 hours later to find her in the very same place. Gift and I took Greg to Wal-Mart to experience “Black Friday…” Whoa!

The rest was just what she needed though she perked right up after that and ate some more turkey dinner and pumpkin pie with us. Greg bought some more bandages for Mom. She was told to change the dressing were it to get…icky. Greg helps her change it in the morning, later in the afternoon and then after her shower before she goes to bed. The drainage is not too bad…or so she says…she still won’t show me. Apparently, Greg took a picture. Why my public gets to see it and not me I’ll never know. Greg was determined to find a better surgical tape too. The tape that the nurses gave her from the hospital is tearing up Mom’s skin! It hurts her to pull it off! And she’s got little scabies where the tape has been. I hope Greg succeed, I’ll let you know.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

More on Halloween

As Mom promised, on Friday October 30 we went back to County Line Orchard for their Trick-or-Treat and it was AWESOME!

I've decided that make up is fun.

The rainy weather made for soggy pumpkins but I have faith that my Mom will figure something out to make the last longer next year.

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Happenings

You don't have to tell me that I'm a lucky kid. I know that I'm lucky! My Mom loves Halloween as much as I do and we think the celebration starts on October 1! There are a lot of Halloween happenings in and around the Chicago area and we take in many.

Some though, are better than others...

I just KNEW I was right to be cranky on Saturday, October 24 when we headed down to the Daley Center for the Franken Plaza. They did give out candy and had a cool craft with this playdough like stuff that turned hard but to be honest, the best thing about the plaza was the statue. Mom really likes the Midnight Circus, but sorry Mom, I'm busy! As much as she likes the performers, I just can't give the whole Plaza thing more than a 2 star rating.

I refuse to attend the Renaissance Faire without my Knightly attire, so any chance I can wear one of my Mom's costumes I jump at. Mom custom designed me my own Prince Phillip wear right down to his awesome red cape. Believe it or not, I'm the director behind all of Mom's Halloween antics. I pick the story, then I cast all of the characters, and then Mom sews the costumes. This year I became enamoured with Sleeping Beauty (though Wendy from Peter Pan will always be my first love). And Prince Phillip ROCKS! He fights dragons and gets to kiss a beautiful girl. Honestly? What is not to love? My Au Pair Gift even joined in our Holiday spirit rounding out our Sleeping Beauty theme as Malificent! Isn't she great? If I don't marry Fiona from my pre-school class I've decided to marry Mom. That's why I cast her as Sleeping Beauty.
But I digress...some happenings are so-so and some are SOOO Awesome! In my opinion, Fall cannot arrive without a day spent at County Line Orchard. Mom took me to pick apples last year and I surprised her by remembering every detail. Sheesh Mom your memory goes as you get OLD not when you're four! This place has no gimicks, just live goats, a real Corn Maze, a Moo-Choo and apple trees as far as you can see! You do it all yourself there, pick your own apples and pumpkins and cook your own hot dogs. That's the coolest thing about it! I could spend all day there! And in fact, I have.

The Maze is VAST! Word to the wise, visit the potty prior to entering...

I LOVE County Line orchard! And guess what! They're having a Halloween Party on the 30th which Prince Phillip, Aurora and Malificent will be attending! I can't wait! Double the Candy! (we still will be trick or treating on the 31st of course) County Line not only do you get a Tynan 5 star rating, I'm awarding you Tynan's Best Autum Activity!

Review of Where the Wild Things Are

On October 16, 2009 we made a point to pre-purchase tickets for a matinee of Where the Wild Things Are directed by Spike Jonze. This movie was supposed to be an adaptation of one of my very favorite bedtime stories, but the truth is...I didn’t really like it. I’m four, I need action not existentialism. The movie was slow and Mom used a fancy word…what was it? A-ha! Depressing! Not sure what that means, but I’m with her.

I always pictured Max as a boy like myself. I don’t mean to get in trouble, but I’ve noted that when I am tired I tend to go a little crazy. I don’t have a wolf costume…I prefer ocelots myself, but I have worked myself into an imaginative frenzy and collapsed into a mega power nap. Like Max, I have awakened from my dream journey to find my mother has forgiven my spilling of milk and the nails that I placed in her walls. The Max of Maurice Sendak’s and I are very much alike and last time I checked, I was not a disturbed child in need of an intervention.

The monsters of the book are weird too be sure, but in a good way. In the movie, however, the notable monster with the striped top half was turned into a bipolar metaphor! Um…not sure what that means either…all I know is that one minute he was happy and the next he was trying to kill Max. Not “eat him up,” I mean KILL him! That was pretty disturbing for me; I haven’t felt like reading my book Where the Wild Things Are in weeks.

In the book, Max learns as all we four year olds eventually do (even though we still need to be reminded…often) that there is a time for pretend and a time to give our mother’s a break. Max chooses to leave the wild things for the love of his mother. He has caused them no harm and has had a good rumpus. In the movie Max seems to leave them worse off then they were when he arrived which was awful. And sad. And Max hurt them; he made them bleed…on purpose! Mom believes in spanking for that kind of offense. Though I would never keep throwing dirt clods at a Monster who was crying and bleeding. Never in one hundred million forty thirteen years!

The monsters looked really good, they were like real so I guess the movie had that going for it but I really thought it was unfair of Mr. Jonze to take MY story and make it so…inaccessible to me. I’m who it was written for afterall.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Celtic Festival and Field Museum Double Play

On Sunday, September 13, 2009 we went to Grant Park for the Celtic Festival. I really enjoyed the dancing. There was even a boy dancer, he was very cool. There was a story teller who was pretty engaging and this crazy looking Irish Bag Pipe. I liked it. I would definately go again.

Since we were downtown and because we are such savy Chicagoans that we stopped by the Library for passes, we decided to hit the Field Museum. This place is so cool. The Underground Adventure is awesome, truly one of my personal favorite exhibits. But I also enjoyed the Ancient Americans as well. You can roll around on a bearskin bed inside the Pawnee Lodge.

We were having so much fun that we missed the train, that was okay, have you ever just hung out on the Museum Campus Grounds? They keep the grass so nice. Then in addition to missing the train...we missed our Train Stop and had to walk back to our house from Indiana! Crazy! We survived. 4 stars for the Celtic Festival and Five to the Field Museum!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The 2009 Bristol Renaissance Faire!

Mom can get a little crazy with pictures. Since we went to the Bristol Renaissance Faire numerous times this summer, I suggested that we do only ONE photo album and incorporate all our Adventures in one posting.

Attending the Joust performed by the Hanlon-Lees Action Theatre is simply a no-brainer, but Dirk and Guido, The Swordsmen are also an absolute must see.
I do like music, but come on! When there's ships to be sailed who can pause to listen to tunes?! BUT for my mother's sake I'd like to make note of her favorite muscians, The New Minstrel Revue and T.J. Hull, Fiddler.

As always, we had a wonderful time. Many thanks to Bristol and we'll see you next year!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


We harvested our garden and made Carrot Stew. But next year we are going to have to take measures to protect our tender vegetables against theives!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Did you know that I was supposed to have been born on August 11th? It's true. My Mom's water broke at 7:00 AM on August 11th. I'm worse than the Pokey Little Puppy! I'm actually a cat man myself as I delightedly allow you to see for yourself!

This is Bingette...isn't she darling! We found her at the Animal Welfare League, and they have lots more kittens to adopt.

Monday, August 10, 2009

August 10 at Millennium Park

Today, just to get out of the house...though why Mom wants to get away from Donald Duck cartoons I will never know...we took the train to Millennium Park to play in the fountain. I had my swimming suit and a dry change of clothes, Mom on the other hand was soaked!

This is a completely free event for anyone who is wondering...I'm wondering what free means myself...and for fun in the sun gets a Tynan Five Star Rating!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Rhythm Makers and Chi Tung

This picture speaks for itself. And then Chi Tung...what can I say I love Thai Food.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bristol Renaissance Faire

This past Sunday we headed to the Bristol Renaissance Faire. It will be the first jouney of many this summer because this place is the bomb! I was exceptionally mad at mother for having to leave a four o'clock. I won myself 3 days without videos for my complaint but she's just got to be shown that leaving before being kicked out is UNACCEPTABLE!!! my 4 years of experience there are so things at the Faire simply not to be missed. Hanlon-Lees Action Theatre Jousters are a no brainer. The skill tests are okay...but when they really get down to some serious fighting is the best part!

However, even over the Joust, The Swordsmen! Dirk and Guido are by far win the Best of Faire Award. They are hilarious! And the sword fighting is absolutely amazing! They will make you gasp and then laugh until your sides ache!

Other attractions I recomend are the large Pirate ship on the water. It does cost extra to board, but I could stay there all day! You can swab the deck, dress as a pirate, cook in the galley, raise the flag, shoot the water cannon and get splashed by treasure. An older boy thought it was boring...I have no idea WHAT he is talking about!

The pirate ship in the Kid's Kingdom is also awesome! And don't miss the Fairies either! However is you're looking to find a pint sized costume like mine, you're going to have to ask my mom about it. She made it.

Bristol Renaissance Faire though is definately gets a Tynan 5 Star Rating!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Christensen Family Reunion

Mom's dad was one of 9 children! And it was her dad that lovingly thought up the idea of having an annual family reunion. This year it was held at the Arizona Mountain Inn in Flagstaff, Arizona (Mom's hometown!). My Mom and her eldest brother, my Uncle Keith were the hosts. They did a great job, 33 people ended up attending (including the new people we collected). The Christensen clan is so much fun and so loving, we tend to adopt stray people!

I love beautiful girls! My adopted cousins Geniveive and Domique are just the best. I've decided that their MY Girls.

While their in Flagstaff, my awesome Uncle Jim took us on an adventure! He is just so cool!

Mom wanted me to see the "Secret" Mountain....or was it Sacred or something? Who knows it was very cool. We went on the Snowbowl SkyRide which was awesome! If you're a Nature Lover like I am this is an absolute must for a summer trip to Flagstaff, Arizona. I will warn you, it is a bit's a looong way I'll give it a Tynan 4 Star Rating!